In this disclaimer, the following is meant by: (i) ‘we’: Ambiorix GmbH, with registered office at Oberer Bogenweg 35 , 97074 Würzburg, Deutschland and registered in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen) under number DE 313676676, phone: +49 931 80 999 562, e-mail:, (ii) ‘website’: and derivatives developed and managed by CREATIC BV; and (iii) ‘visitor’: any natural person who uses the website.
Access to the information on the website is free. The consultation or use of the website indicates full awareness and acceptance of the conditions of this disclaimer. If the visitor proceeds to consult the website, this means that the visitor has explicitly accepted the conditions stated below and agrees to strict compliance with these conditions. We reserve the right to change these conditions at any time.
We manage the website and update it continuously in order to provide visitors with the most recent information. We strive to inform visitors as best as possible via the website.
If incorrect information is published on the website, we will make every effort to remedy this. However, we cannot be held liable for the accuracy or completeness of the information published on the website.
Nor can we be held responsible in connection with a visit to the website. Our written confirmation is always required for any service offered, request for information, etc.
The information published on the website is of a general and informative nature and is not published in response to an individual inquiry. Nor is the information necessarily complete or up to date and contains neither advice nor professional recommendations.
The contents of the website (including hyperlinks to other websites) may be adapted, changed or supplemented without any prior notification or communication.
We must be notified in advance of the creation of hyperlinks to the website. The hyperlink may only redirect the user to the homepage of the website, which must open in a new tab of the web browser.
The website also contains hyperlinks to other websites for organisations that are either affiliated with us or completely independent from us. Under no circumstances can we be held liable for the contents or privacy policies of websites to which a hyperlink on the website enables access.
Inserting hyperlinks to one or more other websites by no means indicates an association, partnership or affiliation with the organisations that manage these websites, nor approval of the content of these websites. The hyperlinks are solely provided for purposes of providing visitors with information. We do not check or monitor the content of other websites.
Once we have reliable knowledge of possibly illegal contents of a website to which a hyperlink on the website enables access or if the content does not correspond to our intended goal, we will remove the hyperlink to this website. We cannot be held liable under any circumstances for the insertion of the hyperlink to the website concerned.
The website, including texts, layout, graphic components, presentations, logos, software, databases, our corporate name and other components of this website, are protected by intellectual property rights that belong to us. Visitors explicitly agree to fully respect our intellectual property rights and/or those of third parties.
All reproduction, dissemination, sale, distribution, publication, adaptation, translation, processing and use of all or part of the website in any form and by an means for commercial purposes is prohibited without first obtaining our prior written consent.
In accordance with the provisions of the Belgian Copyright Act of 30 June 1994 and related rights, the visitor may download and reproduce information from this website strictly for personal use without our prior written permission. We also permit visitors to copy, print and use information from the website for personal purposes. In addition, the information may also be distributed and shared within the visitor’s family.
We reserve the right to take all measures that we deem necessary to prevent and/or put an end to a violation of our intellectual property rights without being held liable in any way in response to these measures.
By visiting this website, the visitor renounces the right to submit a complaint or claim against us with regard to the use of data and information available on the website.
By visiting the website, the visitor accepts all risks associated with the use of the website. For example, the visitor assumes the risk of damage to their computer, software or data if this damage is due to a virus transmitted or activated by the website. We cannot be held liable for this.
We also reject all liability in the event of the unlawful or fraudulent use of the information on the website.
To ensure the safety of the website, we take all necessary measures, such as safety investigations, coding techniques and secure environments, and all reasonable measures and procedures in these areas. Certain areas of the website are restricted and subject to access procedures. In the event of an attack on the website, cybercrime or other type of unauthorised attempt to access the website in whole or in part, we will take all legal action possible to protect the integrity of the website in co-operation of the competent authorities.
Since, by visiting the website, the user explicitly accepts the website disclaimer and its conditions, the visitor agrees that any dispute or claim regarding the website or any information it contains is subject to the laws of Belgium and the exclusive authority of the competent courts of Hasselt.
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